First Aid Box

First Aid Box / Kit are use for Medical Emergency

Almost everyone will need to use a first aid Box/kit. Take the time to prepare a kit to have available for home,travel at Office.

First aid Box/kits may be basic or comprehensive. What you need depends on your medical training and how far you are from professional medical help.Ready-made first

aid kits are commercially available from chain stores or outdoor retailers. But you can make a simple and inexpensive first aid kit yourself.Be prepared to take enough

medication to last at least as long as you may be traveling. Carry your medical information with you.
In case of emergencies when first aid is only the beginning of care, people should be prepared to give emergency personnel all of their current and past medical

history (see below for methods).

First Aid Box/Kits for Home and Travel.

Home first aid kits are usually used for treating these types of minor traumatic injuries:


First aid kits for travel need to be more comprehensive because a drug store may or may not be accessible. In addition to personal medical items, the kit should

contain items to help alleviate the common symptoms of viral respiratory infections such as these:


First Aid Box

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